Come away with me to my little corner of the World

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
—Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Freshman Failure?

My advice to a freshman would be to work hard, while also enjoying school. I think the best advice is trying to balance the best of both worlds. I know that this is hard when you are a  young naive and intimidated freshman coming into the new world of high school. but this is the advice I would want to be given. To not focus on your homework and classes, I think is the biggest mistake freshman make. They don't think that passing English is important or learning how to factor is something they'll need, but what they need to  know is that it is. It is important. I know alot of people who wished now as seniors that they had tried harder as freshman, that their rank could be higher if they had just gotten the As and Bs they know they could have because back then they didn't know they would never be able to make up for that year. They didn't realize, your GPA starts now. This is the advice i would give to most; however there is another spectrum of students one which I fell under as a freshman. I was A petrified straight A student terrified to fail. Working hard in my classes and being responsible was always my work ethic. The advice i needed was failure is a part of life and from mistakes you grow stronger. What i needed was to know that stressing out over a Biology exam wasn't the key. The answer was trying your best, preparing with time, and having confidence in your mind that you were prepared. High school is what you make it out to be. It is a time to grow and a time  to experience a fraction of what the world has to offer. Take every opportunity, try your best, and live because this is  your time.

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